Thursday, February 23, 2012

chaz somers love story chapter 61

chaz somers love story chapter 61 Video Clips. Duration : 0.82 Mins.

chapter 61! part 2 oh the honeymoon :D story: *a few mins later* doctor: *walks in* hello im DR.Nussbaum(a/n: lol from drake and josh) let's see. What exactly do you feel? marissa: that baby is just kicking a LOT doctor alright we're gonna do a ultrasound ok? marissa: ok *in the ultrasound room* doctor: *puts the ultrasound stuff on her stomach* marissa: COLD!! doctor: *laughs* i know it is cold marissa: yeah doctor: oh what do we have here? marissa: what? what's wrong!? doctor: nothin at all marissa: then what do you see? doctor: twins!!!! marissa: OMG REALLY!?!?! *really happy* chaz: *passes out* marissa: hes weak when it comes to this stuff doctor: i'll wake him up marissa: ok thanks doctor: *pours a little water on chaz's face* chaz:*coughs and wakes up. then stands up and flexes his muscles* pshh and you said I was weak marissa: *laughs* i meant only when it comes to like babies and blood and so on chaz: oh i didnt hear you say that part... marissa: *laughs* it's ok babe doctor: so you excited to be having twins!? marissa: yes!!! omg i gotta call macy and tell her!! chaz: *chuckles* i'll call ryan marissa: *to the doctor* marissa is my best friend chaz: and ryan is mine marissa: their married to eachother chaz: and also having a baby! doctor: thats cool! marissa: yeah... can we get this stuff off my stomach? doctor: yeah sure *whipes the stuff off* marissa,chaz: thanks *leave* (at the hotel room) marissa: *lays on the bed* WE'RE HAVING TWINS!!!! chaz: *laughs and ...

Keywords: chaz, somers, love, story, onetruemedia

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